D3.1 Method and systems for on board measurement of pollutants emissions
Validated PEMS mini PEMS and SEMS demonstrators checked in roundrobin ready to be used in measurement campaign test matrix and procedures of onboard testing
D3.2 Method and system for on board noise measurement
Ten miniature data logging devices equipped with a microphone and GPS to be supplied to partners for on-road noise measurements.
D3.3 Optimised on-board measurement system including PN2.5 sensor
This report presents the development and validation of new measurement system capable of detecting small particle emissions.
D4.1 Procedure for measuring in lab LV exhaust emissions
Test matrix for lab tests results of the round-robin test protocol regulated and non-regulated pollutants test procedures
D5.1: L-vehicle tampering and undesirable effects.
This deliverable highlights the plans and first analyses of the test programme.
D6.1: Real world driving conditions and requirements for the LENS test programme
Evidence on RW LVs driving conditions critical for noise and emissions, synthesizing previous knowledge and early measurements in LENS.
D6.2: Case studies and intervention options
Impact studies, approaches and required models are outlined in this report. These solutions are aimed at reducing local and global L-vehicle pollutant and noise emissions.
LENS Leaflet
This deliverable is the second newsletter of LENS, which was published in February 2023.
Newsletter #1
Our first newsletter was published in February 2023.
Newsletter #2
Our second newsletter was published in August 2023.
Newsletter #3
Our third newsletter was published in February 2024
Newsletter #4
Our fourth newsletter was published in July 2024
Newsletter #5
Our fifth newsletter was published in December 2024