The LENS project coordinator EMISIA will participate in the upcoming Transport Research Arena (TRA) 2024, which will take place from 15-18 April in Dublin, Ireland. The four-day conference is the perfect framework to present LENS-based research, as it can be considered as the foremost European transport event that covers all mobility aspect.
The study, which will be presented on 16 April, as part of the technical session 2.3.3 ‘noise’, includes an assessment of the tampering effects of most common European L-vehicles on noise- and air pollution, which are summarised in the table below. It highlights the most significant negative tampering effects, and will be used as a guide in future remote sensing experimental campaigns and will help to identify tampered vehicles.

These showcased results are based on the research conducted in deliverable D5.1 ‘L-vehicle tampering and undesirable effects’ and show the worst noise- and air pollution impacts from illegal tampering, which includes the following aspects:
Tampering methods that impact noise- and air pollution levels:
- removal of vehicle parts, such as silencer, air filter or catalyst
- use of after-market parts, such as silencers, air filters, Engine Control Units (ECU) or carburetor
- adjustable exhaust valves