The LENS project and its stakeholder group has worked closely together in 2024, thanks to dedicated exchanges that took place in Leuven, Paris and Barcelona. This cooperation continues with a joint webinar organised by Dutch and German stakeholders under the umbrella of the LENS project.

The 2h-webinar on noise pollution mitigation, which is appropriately called the ‘Sound of silence’, will take place on 9 April from 10-12AM CEST.

The joint initiative aims to shed light on the externalities of L-vehicles, which has a significantly negative impact on citizens – both in urban and rural environments.

As the single EU-funded project with the aim to assess noise- and air pollution of L-vehicles, LENS is glad to support the initiatives of its stakeholder group by sharing their perspectives with a wider European audience.

Draft agenda

Introduction to the topic:

  • Welcome words & introduction to the webinar (POLIS & RIVM)
  • Introduction to the LENS project (EMISIA)
  • Video introduction about the current noise-pollution challenges

Different perspectives on noise-pollution of L-vehicles in the Netherlands (moderated by Hester Volten, RIVM)

  • Physical and mental health of noise pollution on citizens (Tony Hardenberg)
  • Dutch government perspective on noise pollution (RIVM)
  • Academic perspective (TNO)

Summary of experiences of three citizen groups from DE & NL

  • Court cases of citizens’ initiative against noise pollution in DE & NL
  • Noise pollution challenges in the German Eifel Region
  • Presentation on sustainable and responsible industrial production.

Outlook on the mitigation strategies & next steps as part of the LENS project

Background Information: