Main Challenges
Heavy traffic in the centre of the Paris capital and the Olympic- and Paralympic Games complicate the selection of test sites and measurement dates.
Measurement Sites
Measurements were selected in one of the Paris suburbs and in a rural area 50km outside Paris, which serves a popular destination for L-vehicle drivers.
Tested Vehicles
The suburban city site carries a high share of smaller L-category vehicles, whereas the rural site measures heavier vehicles with higher cc.
LENS faces a narrow window to conduct tests between the international sporting events and the autumn months with more precipitation, which might jeopardise the measurements.
LENS faces a narrow window to conduct tests between the international sporting events and the autumn months with more precipitation, which might jeopardise the measurements.
Significant challenges around the selection of measurement sites occurred, due to the very dense urban nature of the French capital, which doesn’t allow the setup of testing equipment due to limits in road space. Therefore, sites had to be selected outside Paris city.
Measurement campaign
Measurement sites & tested vehicles
A typical city street site was selected in the Paris suburb (Rueil-Malmaison) and a rural road site expected to carry a lot of L-category vehicle during weekends was found in the small scenic village of Dampierre en Yvelines some 50 km outside Paris city.
The measurement campaigns are carried out 16-22 September 2024. Whereas the suburban city street site is expected to carry mainly smaller L-category vehicles, the rural site is expected to carry a high share of the heavier ones, which is profitable for the project.

Cooperation with local administration
Through LENS partner IFPEN, located in the Paris region, a very good cooperation has been established with the Rueil-Malmaison city council as well as the local city police, that enables receival of measurement permits and police support to pull over measured L-category vehicles for inspections at the roadside.

Stakeholder Engagement
A joint event with several of the expert working groups of the dissemination & communication partner POLIS Network and ACEM is organised on 17-18 September. The first day focuses on the challenges and solutions of L-vehicle policy related to parking, access regulations, pollution and road safety. This is followed by a day of LENS-related discussions and presentations, which leads to the site visit of the live measurement campaign in the proximity of the hosting organisation of IFPEN.

Results cannot be shared at the moment
Measurement results are expected to be published by the end of 2024.